Ph: 0431 745 464
Training, Coaching, Conflict Resolution, Counselling
Leadership Training and Coaching, Conflict Resolution & Counselling. Transform the skills of
your leaders and managers through experiential training and coaching. Resolve interpersonal
issues at work through a collaborative, Psychologist led conflict resolution process - 90%
success rate. Provide counselling support or coaching to individual employees.

Leadership Training + Coaching
Mastering difficult conversations
Influencing skills
Managing emotion at work / Helping others to
manage their emotions
Wellbeing & Mental Health
Innovation & Problem Solving
Neuroscience of Leadership
Psychological Safety
Psychosocial Hazard Reduction
Culture: Organisational habits
Aged Care
Meat Processing
Selection of Industry Experience
Wellbeing, Resilience & Emotional Intelligence
Build a mentally healthier, resilient and emotionally intelligent workplace.
Brainy offers training, coaching and mediated conflict resolution services to
create healthier organisations.
Client Feedback
“I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the exceptional training and facilitation you provided to my teams at the
Commonwealth Bank, when we rolled out the cultural change learning program. We always sought participant feedback
about our training programs and each of the sessions you delivered received by far the highest rates of satisfaction (over 95%,
for every session) than any previous training we'd run.
Staff commented that you were engaging, knowledgeable, approachable and a compelling speaker. I personally have found
myself hanging off your every word. You have a knack for presenting complicated information in a very accessible way and for
bringing about tangible change in the thinking and attitudes of your audience.”
Client Feedback
“If brain fitness, agility, and the ability to order thoughts into a cogent process was a contact sport, Dr. Kerry Maberly would be
already in the Hall of Fame!
We all have a brain and to varying levels have to use this massive, complex and misunderstood tool both inside and outside
our business worlds regularly. Sadly our brain doesn't come with a user manual and this is where Kerry's teaching and
engagement skills really come to the fore. Kerry has a great ability to educate and influence across every level - be it in a
business boardroom or lecture theatre, one-on-one during a follow up session, on the phone with a remote client looking for
after conference clarification, or during a break out small team session during one of her engaging training sessions. It
becomes evident very quickly Kerry has the academic credentials, real life experiences, personality, teaching expertise,
empathy and imagination to deal with people in a learning and mentoring environment.
Kerry’s teaching sessions are always engaging and challenging. With the ability to make people question and wonder, learners
are treated to a cleverly constructed, well researched and brilliantly delivered romp through the topic at hand. One comes
away from a session with Kerry feeling challenged and informed with a definite bias to action. Kerry challenges her learners to
think differently, take action and achieve.”
Griffith University
Client Feedback
“...I had the privilege of working alongside Dr Kerry Maberly on several occasions. She regularly provided expert and tailored
facilitation and training services for our members which were always extremely highly rated – in fact one corporate client said
she was world class. As a facilitator she could engage a wide group of people and keep them enthused all day... highly
entertaining and engaging along with providing excellent educational content.”
Registered Psychologist MAPS
Culture, Conflict Resolution, Coach, Trainer, Facilitator
B.Beh.Sc. B.Psy (Hons) M.App.Psych.(Org. Psych)
Culture Change Expert - Helps leaders to lead, employees to thrive and positive
behaviours to dominate
18 years experience
Workplace Conflict Resolution Facilitator: 90% success rate
Coach - Frontline leaders, Senior leaders, Commissioners, Deputy-Director Generals,
Director Generals
Experiential Trainer & Facilitator
Highly experienced: For-Profit, Not-for-Profit & Government organisations
About Kerry
Learning and development specialist: Psychology, Organisational
Psychology, Positive Psychology, Neuroscience & Cognitive Psychology
20+ years experience
Want staff to learn more effectively by doing?
Need a high impact, engaging keynote speaker?
Want a coach that produces results?
Evidence based, scientific, practical advice
Founder of Brainy - established in 2005
Cognitive & Behavioural Science
Trainer, Keynotes, Facilitator, Coach, Experiential Learning Designer
B.Beh.Sc (Hons) Ph.D.
About Lisa